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make a break for it

  • 1 make a break for it

    (to make an (attempt to) escape: When the guard is not looking, make a break for it.) fugir

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make a break for it

  • 2 make a break for it

    (to make an (attempt to) escape: When the guard is not looking, make a break for it.) tentar fugir

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > make a break for it

  • 3 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) quebrar
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) quebrar
    3) (to make or become unusable.) quebrar
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) faltar
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) bater
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interromper
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) quebrar
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) comunicar
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) quebrar
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) abrandar
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) começar
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) quebra
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) mudança
    3) (an opening.) brecha
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) oportunidade
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) coisa frágil
    - breaker
    - breakdown
    - break-in
    - breakneck
    - breakout
    - breakthrough
    - breakwater
    - break away
    - break down
    - break into
    - break in
    - break loose
    - break off
    - break out
    - break out in
    - break the ice
    - break up
    - make a break for it
    * * *
    [breik] n = link=brake brake.1, acepção 1.
    [breik] n 1 ruptura, quebra, fratura. 2 brecha, racho. 3 fenda, abertura. 4 interrupção, cessação. 5 pausa, intervalo. 6 fuga, saída por meios violentos. 7 mudança repentina ou acentuada (de tempo). 8 Amer baixa súbita (dos preços na bolsa). 9 desvio de direção (de uma bola). 10 fig ruína, quebra. 11 irrupção, ruptura. 12 Amer sl falha, rata, erro. 13 chance, oportunidade. 14 interrupção de corrente. 15 clareira, picada. 16 seqüência de tacadas (jogo de bilhar). 17 Mus ponto de passagem de um registro a outro. 18 Poet cesura. • vt+vi (ps broke, pp broken) 1 quebrar, romper, dividir em pedaços, fraturar, esmagar, despedaçar. she broke her arm / ela fraturou o braço. the toy is broken to pieces / o brinquedo está em pedaços. 2 rachar, romper, lascar, estourar. 3 triturar, moer, desbastar. 4 romper, perturbar, interromper (também Electr). he broke his fast / ele interrompeu o jejum. he broke the silence / ele rompeu o silêncio. 5 Electr desligar. 6 separar, dividir, desunir. 7 ferir, danificar. 8 arruinar, destruir. 9 fazer invalidar (testamento). 10 levar à falência, arruinar financeiramente. he broke the bank / ele quebrou a banca. 11 violar, transgredir, infringir. 12 forçar caminho, penetrar, romper, arrombar. 13 chegar repentinamente, irromper. the sun broke / o sol irrompeu (pelas nuvens). 14 mudar repentinamente. the weather broke / o tempo mudou. 15 Amer baixar subitamente (os preços na bolsa). 16 amortecer, moderar, abrandar. some bushes broke his fall / alguns arbustos amorteceram sua queda. 17 Mus mudar de som ou de registro. 18 mudar de direção (bola). 19 definhar, enfraquecer, quebrantar, depauperar. 20 ceder, amolecer, afrouxar. 21 ser dominado pela tristeza, partir-se (coração). her heart broke / seu coração se partiu. 22 parar, pôr fim. you must break with this bad habit / você deve deixar este mau hábito. 23 degradar, rebaixar. 24 sujeitar, domar, subjugar. his resistance was broken / sua resistência foi subjugada. 25 disciplinar, corrigir. 26 exceder, ultrapassar, superar, quebrar (recorde). 27 iniciar uma escavação para construção. 28 revelar, divulgar, tornar conhecido. 29 Amer correr, atirar-se. 30 desmanchar (noivado). 31 desfazer, desmanchar (coleção etc.). 32 rebentar (ondas, flores, pústulas). 33 raiar, surgir. the day broke / o dia raiou. 34 saltar da água (peixe). 35 mudar de partido. 36 quebrar-se, fragmentar-se, partir-se. 37 desintegrar(-se), dissolver(-se). they broke company / eles dissolveram a sociedade. 38 desencadear-se (tempestade). 39 levantar (acampamento). they broke camp / eles levantaram acampamento. 40 falir, ir à falência. the business broke / o negócio faliu. a cry broke from her lips um grito escapou de seus lábios. break a leg! a) sl merda para você! b) Theat boa sorte! break of the day aurora, amanhecer. at (the) break of day / ao amanhecer. break step! Mil sem cadência! give me a break! me dá um tempo! he broke company ele saiu à francesa. he broke down all restraint ele abandonou todo constrangimento. he broke into a laugh ele rompeu em gargalhadas. her health broke sua saúde piorou. his power was broken down seu poder foi quebrado. his voice broke down sua voz falhou. lucky breaks coll boas oportunidades. she broke in health ela adoeceu. the buoy broke adrift a bóia soltou-se e está à deriva. the horse broke o cavalo mudou de andamento. the machine broke down a máquina encrencou, quebrou. the school breaks up a escola fecha, começam as férias. the supplies broke down os estoques acabaram. they broke (new) ground fig desbravaram novas terras. to break asunder quebrar em pedaços. to break away a) fugir, escapar. he broke away / ele saiu correndo. b) dissolver-se, desaparecer. to break down a) demolir, derrubar. b) sucumbir. c) falhar, não obter êxito. to break forth a) irromper. b) exclamar subitamente. c) brotar, jorrar. to break in a) domar, ensinar, domesticar. b) arrombar, forçar. our house was broken into / nossa casa foi arrombada. c) Press colocar ilustrações no espaço deixado. d) interromper, perturbar. the war broke in upon our peace / a guerra interrompeu nossa paz. to break of bounds fig ultrapassar os limites. to break off a) romper-se. b) cessar, parar, interromper. he broke off / ele parou, interrompeu-se. he broke off the conversation / ele interrompeu a conversação. to break off an engagement desmanchar um noivado. to break one of a habit tirar o vício ou o costume de alguém. to break out a) tirar quebrando. b) desobstruir, livrar. c) irromper problemas na pele. he broke out into hives / sua pele ficou cheia de urticária. d) desabafar-se, expandir-se. he broke out into lamentations / ele rompeu em lamúrias. e) fugir, escapar. he broke out of prison / ele fugiu da cadeia. to break the ice superar as dificuldades iniciais, quebrar o gelo. to break through abrir caminho através de algo. she broke through the crowd / ela abriu caminho na multidão. to break up a) levantar-se, ir embora. b) dissolver (reunião). c) dispersar. the crowd was broken up / a multidão foi dispersada. d) cortar em pedaços (caça). e) abrir, rebentar, romper. f) confundir, desconcertar. g) fragmentar-se, desintegrar-se. his household was broken up / seu lar se desintegrou. she is broken up by grief / ela está alquebrada de desgosto. to break water emergir da água. to break with romper relações com. he broke with his father / ele rompeu relações com o pai.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > break

  • 4 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) quebrar
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) partir
    3) (to make or become unusable.) quebrar
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) romper, transgredir
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) quebrar
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interromper
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) romper
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) anunciar
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) quebrar
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) abrandar
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) rebentar
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) pausa
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) mudança
    3) (an opening.) brecha
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) sorte
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) objeto frágil
    - breaker - breakdown - break-in - breakneck - breakout - breakthrough - breakwater - break away - break down - break into - break in - break loose - break off - break out - break out in - break the ice - break up - make a break for it

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > break

  • 5 word

    [wə:d] 1. noun
    1) (the smallest unit of language (whether written, spoken or read).) palavra
    2) (a (brief) conversation: I'd like a (quick) word with you in my office.) palavrinha
    3) (news: When you get there, send word that you've arrived safely.) aviso
    4) (a solemn promise: He gave her his word that it would never happen again.) palavra
    2. verb
    (to express in written or spoken language: How are you going to word the letter so that it doesn't seem rude?) formular
    - word processor
    - word processing
    - word-perfect
    - by word of mouth
    - get a word in edgeways
    - in a word
    - keep
    - break one's word
    - take someone at his word
    - take at his word
    - take someone's word for it
    - word for word
    * * *
    [wə:d] n 1 palavra: a) vocábulo, termo. b) fala. c) promessa. 2 conversa breve, conversação. 3 expressão, linguagem (muitas vezes words). 4 dizeres, conteúdo, termo. 5 ordem, comando. 6 senha, sinal. 7 notícia, informação. 8 words discussão, disputa, querela. 9 words texto, letra (de uma canção). 10 the Word ou the Word of God a Palavra de Deus, a Bíblia. • vt pôr em palavras, exprimir, enunciar, frasear, redigir. a man/ woman of few words um homem/mulher de poucas palavras. at a word de uma vez, resumindo. a word in someone’s ear uma conversa confidencial. a word with you! uma palavra apenas (a lhe dizer)! by word of mouth, through word of moreth oralmente, verbalmente. carefully, cautiously worded cuidadosa e cautelosamente redigido. give the word! a senha! he gave/ broke/ kept his word to come ele deu/quebrou/cumpriu sua palavra de vir. he gave the word to came ele deu a ordem para vir. he is as good as his word ele cumpre bem a sua palavra. he never has a good word to say ele está sempre criticando. he sent (me) word ele me avisou, mandou-me um recado ou notícias. in a word numa palavra, brevemente. indifferently worded redigido com negligência. in other words em outras palavras. I took him at his word fi-lo cumprir o que havia dito. I took his word for it acreditei cegamente no que ele disse. make him eat his words! faça-o admitir que estava errado! mark my words! pode escrever o que estou dizendo! pass the word passe a mensagem. put in a good word for him fale em favor dele. put it into words formule-o em palavras. she gave him hard words ela ralhou com ele. take my word for it! pode acreditar no que digo! the last word in hats a última palavra em chapéus. the last word lies with you a última palavra, a decisão está com você. to be a man of his word ser homem de palavra. to bring word trazer notícias. to have a word with falar com, conversar com. to have no words for não ter palavras para. to have words discutir. to take the words out of someone’s mouth tirar as palavras da boca de alguém. we won’t have any words about it nós não queremos ouvir nada a respeito. word for word palavra por palavra. word of honour palavra de honra. words fail me! estou surpreso (chocado)! as palavras me fugiram!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > word

  • 6 dash

    [dæʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to move with speed and violence: A man dashed into a shop.) atirar-se
    2) (to knock, throw etc violently, especially so as to break: He dashed the bottle to pieces against the wall.) espatifar
    3) (to bring down suddenly and violently or to make very depressed: Our hopes were dashed.) destruir
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden rush or movement: The child made a dash for the door.) arranco
    2) (a small amount of something, especially liquid: whisky with a dash of soda.) poucochinho
    3) ((in writing) a short line (-) to show a break in a sentence etc.) travessão
    4) (energy and enthusiasm: All his activities showed the same dash and spirit.) genica
    - dash off
    * * *
    [dæʃ] n 1 arremetida, colisão, encontro violento, choque. 2 estrondo. 3 pancada, golpe inesperado. 4 ruído da água agitada ou caindo. 5 movimento rápido e brusco, precipitação, ímpeto. 6 mistura. 7 incursão. 8 travessão (sinal de pontuação). 9 hífen, linha de suspensão. 10 traço, risca, risco de pena. 11 sinal musical para aumentar o intervalo ou para indicar staccato. 12 causa ou objeto de desânimo ou depressão. 13 pequenina porção, um pouco. 14 Amer, coll corrida breve. 15 Telegr som longo. • vt+vi 1 quebrar com estrépito. 2 causar colisão. 3 colidir, chocar-se e quebrar. 4 arremessar, lançar com força e ímpeto. 5 projetar, arremessar-se violentamente. 6 lançar fora subitamente. 7 salpicar, manchar, molhar, borrifar. 8 adulterar, diluir, misturar, alterar, pingar. 9 esboçar, compor rapidamente. 10 obliterar, riscar, apagar com traços. 11 destruir, malograr, baldar. 12 descoroçoar, desapontar, desconcertar, desanimar, intimidar, confundir. 13 sl rogar uma praga contra. 14 correr, pedalar ou guiar, cavalgar. 15 movimentar-se ou comportar-se vistosamente, com ostentação. at one dash de uma vez, de um golpe. I dash it all com a breca! to cut a dash fazer figura, causar impressão. to dash against a) açoitar (falando das ondas que batem com força contra os rochedos). b) espedaçar-se (o navio num escolho). to dash away bater, golpear. to dash by passar correndo. to dash down a) precipitar-se (para baixo), tombar. b) = link=to%20dash%20away to dash away.. to dash in irromper, entrar como um raio. to dash into chocar-se contra, entrar precipitadamente. to dash off a) partir depressa. b) escrever ou fazer às pressas. to dash one’s confidence desconcertar ou desapontar alguém. to dash out a) sair precipitadamente. b) dar coices, quebrar, despedaçar. c) = link=to%20dash%20away to dash away. to dash to pieces a) despedaçar, partir em pedaços. b) fig frustrar, anular. to dash with misturar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dash

  • 7 dash

    [dæʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to move with speed and violence: A man dashed into a shop.) arremeter
    2) (to knock, throw etc violently, especially so as to break: He dashed the bottle to pieces against the wall.) arremessar
    3) (to bring down suddenly and violently or to make very depressed: Our hopes were dashed.) frustrar
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden rush or movement: The child made a dash for the door.) arremetida
    2) (a small amount of something, especially liquid: whisky with a dash of soda.) borrifo, pitada
    3) ((in writing) a short line (-) to show a break in a sentence etc.) travessão
    4) (energy and enthusiasm: All his activities showed the same dash and spirit.) vigor
    - dash off

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dash

  • 8 fast

    I 1. adjective
    1) (quick-moving: a fast car.) rápido
    2) (quick: a fast worker.) rápido
    3) ((of a clock, watch etc) showing a time in advance of the correct time: My watch is five minutes fast.) adiantado
    2. adverb
    (quickly: She speaks so fast I can't understand her.) depressa
    - fast foods
    - fast food
    II 1. verb
    (to go without food, especially for religious or medical reasons: Muslims fast during the festival of Ramadan.) jejuar
    2. noun
    (a time or act of fasting: She has just finished two days' fast.) jejum
    III adjective
    1) ((of a dye) fixed; that will not come out of a fabric when it is washed.) fixo
    2) (firm; fixed: She made her end of the rope fast to a tree.) fixado/seguro
    * * *
    [fa:st; fæst] n 1 jejum, abstenção, abstinência. 2 período de jejum. • vi jejuar. fast day / dia de jejum. to break fast quebrar o jejum, parar com o jejum.
    [fa:st; fæst] adj 1 veloz, rápido. 2 que favorece a velocidade. 3 firme, fixo, seguro, preso. 4 constante, aderente, pegado, estável, durável. the colors are fast / as cores não desbotam, são permanentes. • adv 1 velozmente, rapidamente, depressa, em rápida sucessão. 2 firmemente, fixamente, fortemente, muito. it was raining fast chovia fortemente. fast access storage Comp armazenamento de acesso rápido: em processamento de dados, seção que engloba o armazenamento inteiro do qual os dados podem ser recuperados com maior rapidez. fast asleep profundamente adormecido. fast breeder reactor tipo de reator nuclear que produz mais plutônio que o necessário para a geração de eletricidade. fast photographic film filme para fotografia que tem muita sensibilidade e pode ser usado quando há pouca luz. fast train trem rápido, expresso. hard and fast rígido, definitivamente verdadeiro e correto. my watch (clock) is fast meu relógio está adiantado. to hold fast segurar com firmeza. to live fast ter uma vida desregrada. to make a fast buck enriquecer rapidamente de maneira desonesta. to make fast fixar seguramente. to play fast and loose with someone ser irresponsável e insincero com alguém. to pull a fast one enganar ou trapacear alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fast

  • 9 record

    1. ['reko:d, -kəd, ]( American[) -kərd] noun
    1) (a written report of facts, events etc: historical records; I wish to keep a record of everything that is said at this meeting.) registo
    2) (a round flat piece of (usually black) plastic on which music etc is recorded: a record of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony.) disco
    3) ((in races, games, or almost any activity) the best performance so far; something which has never yet been beaten: He holds the record for the 1,000 metres; The record for the high jump was broken/beaten this afternoon; He claimed to have eaten fifty sausages in a minute and asked if this was a record; ( also adjective) a record score.) recorde
    4) (the collected facts from the past of a person, institution etc: This school has a very poor record of success in exams; He has a criminal record.) história
    2. [rə'ko:d] verb
    1) (to write a description of (an event, facts etc) so that they can be read in the future: The decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.) registar
    2) (to put (the sound of music, speech etc) on a record or tape so that it can be listened to in the future: I've recorded the whole concert; Don't make any noise when I'm recording.) gravar
    3) ((of a dial, instrument etc) to show (a figure etc) as a reading: The thermometer recorded 30°C yesterday.) registar
    4) (to give or show, especially in writing: to record one's vote in an election.) registar
    - recording
    - record-player
    - in record time
    - off the record
    - on record
    * * *
    [r'ekɔ:d] n 1 registro, inscrição, anotação (também Comp). 2 ata, protocolo, relatório. 3 relação, crônica, história. 4 documento. 5 records cadastro, arquivo, anais. 6 memorial, informe. 7 ficha, folha corrida, folha de serviço ou antecedentes. 8 monumento, memória ou recordação. 9 testemunho, evidência. 10 Sport recorde. 11 disco de vinil. 12 reputação. • [rik'ɔ:d] vt+vi 1 registrar, assentar, inscrever, anotar. 2 protocolar. 3 recordar, lembrar, gravar na memória. 4 arquivar. 5 gravar em disco ou fita magnética. 6 testemunhar. a matter of record consenso geral, algo admitido publicamente. for the record publicamente, oficialmente. keeper of records arquivista. off the record confidencial. on record registrado, protocolado, conhecido publicamente. record of service Mil folha de serviço. speed record recorde de velocidade. to bear record of testemunhar. to beat/ break a record bater um recorde. to go on record expressar uma opinião publicamente. to put the record straight dirimir dúvida, corrigir erro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > record

  • 10 camp

    [kæmp] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of ground with tents pitched on it.) acampamento
    2) (a collection of buildings, huts or tents in which people stay temporarily for a certain purpose: a holiday camp.) campo
    3) (a military station, barracks etc.) acampamento
    4) (a party or side: They belong to different political camps.) campo
    2. verb
    ((also go camping) to set up, and live in, a tent / tents: We camped on the beach; We go camping every year.) acampar
    - camping
    - camp bed
    - camp-fire
    - campsite
    * * *
    [kæmp] n 1 acampamento, arraial, campo. 2 acampamento militar. 3 vida militar. 4 pessoas acampadas. 5 vida simples ao ar livre. 6 fig lado, grupo, partido. 7 partidários. 8 posição fortemente defendida. 9 paródia, imitação burlesca. • vi 1 acampar(-se), assentar arraial, fazer acampamento, bivacar. 2 alojar-se provisoriamente, viver temporariamente sem luxo e conforto. • adj sl afeminado, exagerado, afetado. to break camp levantar acampamento. to camp it up sl desmunhecar, agir de maneira exagerada e afetada. to camp out 1 passar a noite ao relento. 2 estabelecer-se provisoriamente em bivaque ou acampamento. to make camp acampar.

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  • 11 fuse

    I 1. [fju:z] verb
    1) (to melt (together) as a result of great heat: Copper and tin fuse together to make bronze.) amalgamar(-se)
    2) ((of an electric circuit or appliance) to (cause to) stop working because of the melting of a fuse: Suddenly all the lights fused; She fused all the lights.) fundir-se
    2. noun
    (a piece of easily-melted wire included in an electric circuit so that a dangerously high electric current will break the circuit and switch itself off: She mended the fuse.) fusível
    II [fju:z] noun
    (a piece of material, a mechanical device etc which makes a bomb etc explode at a particular time: He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.) rastilho
    * * *
    [fju:z] n 1 Electr fusível. 2 estopim, rastilho, detonador, mecha, espoleta. to blow a fuse queimar um fusível.
    [fju:z] vt+vi 1 fundir(-se), derreter(-se), liquefazer(-se). 2 unir-se, amalgamar(-se), misturar(-se).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fuse

  • 12 fuse

    I 1. [fju:z] verb
    1) (to melt (together) as a result of great heat: Copper and tin fuse together to make bronze.) fundir
    2) ((of an electric circuit or appliance) to (cause to) stop working because of the melting of a fuse: Suddenly all the lights fused; She fused all the lights.) fundir
    2. noun
    (a piece of easily-melted wire included in an electric circuit so that a dangerously high electric current will break the circuit and switch itself off: She mended the fuse.) fusível
    II [fju:z] noun
    (a piece of material, a mechanical device etc which makes a bomb etc explode at a particular time: He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.) detonador

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fuse

См. также в других словарях:

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  • make a break for for it — make a ˈbreak for sth/for it idiom to run towards sth in order to try and escape • He suddenly leapt up and made a break for the door. • They decided to make a break for it (= to try and escape) that night. Main entry: ↑breakidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a break for something it — make a ˈbreak for sth/for it idiom to run towards sth in order to try and escape • He suddenly leapt up and made a break for the door. • They decided to make a break for it (= to try and escape) that night. Main entry: ↑breakidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a break (for something) — phrase to suddenly run away from someone in order to escape He made a break for the exit. Thesaurus: to escape from a place or situationsynonym Main entry: break …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a break for it — verb To attempt to escape; to flee; to run away. By Gar! it was as well that he made a break for it before the note reached us! I guess he wont show his face in this valley again. Syn: make a run for it …   Wiktionary

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  • be make or break for something — be make or break for (someone/something) make or break (something) to make something a success or a failure. The Milan show will be make or break for his new designs …   New idioms dictionary

  • be make or break for — (someone/something) make or break (something) to make something a success or a failure. The Milan show will be make or break for his new designs …   New idioms dictionary

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Нажмите правой клавишей мыши и выберите «Копировать ссылку»